Crypto Wallets

Objective of this page

Find the best free, open source, E2E encrypted and private alternative to coinbase wallet, wallet, trust wallet, exodus, ledger live, now.

Compare Wasabi Wallet vs Trezor vs ColdCard vs Electrum vs Sparrow Wallet vs Atomic Wallet vs CryptoSteel vs BitBox02 vs

Discover the best Crypto Wallets tools for Android, iPhone, Linux, PC and Chrome to download now. And choose secure, self-hosted, peer-to-peer and independant alternatives in 2024

Stop the invasion of privacy from big tech, improve data security stay safe.

Notable Mentions

Metamask (Ethereum and ERC20 tokens) is a bridge that allows you to visit and interact with distributed web apps in your browser. Metamask has good hardware wallet support, so you can use it to swap, stake, sign, lend and interact with dapps without you're private key ever leaving your device. However the very nature of being a browser-based app means that you need to stay vigilant with what services you give access to.

Word of Warning

Avoid using any online/ hot-wallet, as you will have no control over the security of your private keys.

Offline paper wallets are very secure, but ensure you store it properly - to keep it safe from theft, loss or damage.

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