zeek.org Server/ VM/ PiZeek (formally Bro) Passively monitors network traffic and looks for suspicious activity.
- Homepage: zeek.org
- GitHub: github.com/zeek/zeek
- Web info: web-check.xyz/results/zeek.org
Zeek Source Code
Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
06 Jul 12
Last Updated
17 Jan 25
Latest version
Primary Language
181,534 KB
Language Usage
Star History
Top Contributors
@jsiwek (3434)
@rsmmr (2774)
@timwoj (2298)
@0xxon (1862)
@awelzel (1305)
@vpax (983)
@ckreibich (640)
@zeek-bot (319)
@grigorescu (282)
@bbannier (208)
@sethhall (181)
@MaxKellermann (172)
@mavam (129)
@J-Gras (115)
@Neverlord (107)
@srunnels (52)
@mauropalumbo75 (51)
@JustinAzoff (26)
@FlyingWithJerome (24)
@leres (21)
@jsoref (21)
@eladsolomon-ms (21)
@AmazingPP (19)
@cstruck (17)
@dnthayer (17)
@evantypanski (17)
@ynadji (16)
@pbcullen (15)
@1wilkens (14)
@fatemabw (13)
Recent Commits
zeek-bot (17 Jan 25)
Update doc submodule [nomail] [skip ci]
zeek-bot (15 Jan 25)
Update doc submodule [nomail] [skip ci]
Arne Welzel (14 Jan 25)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/awelzel/fix-writer-info-in-logging-hooks' * origin/topic/awelzel/fix-writer-info-in-logging-hooks: logging: Fix reporter message logging: Avoid repeated writer name lookups for plugin hooks logging: Fix HookLogInit() and HookLogWrite() info usage
Benjamin Bannier (14 Jan 25)
Merge branch 'topic/bbannier/coverity'
Benjamin Bannier (14 Jan 25)
Bump auxil/spicy to latest development snapshot
Benjamin Bannier (14 Jan 25)
Prevent unneeded copies in QUIC C++ helper code
Johanna Amann (14 Jan 25)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/johanna/gh-4061' * origin/topic/johanna/gh-4061: Update BiF-tracking, add is_event_handled Address review comments and small updates for DNS warnings Raise warnings when for DNS events that are not raised due to dns_skip_all_addl
Arne Welzel (14 Jan 25)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/vern/C++-standalone-record-redef' * origin/topic/vern/C++-standalone-record-redef: support for record extensions when using -O gen-standalone-C++
Vern Paxson (10 Jan 25)
support for record extensions when using -O gen-standalone-C++
Arne Welzel (14 Jan 25)
logging: Fix reporter message
Arne Welzel (14 Jan 25)
logging: Avoid repeated writer name lookups for plugin hooks If a plugin provides a write hook, the invocation for HookLogWrite() would redo looking up the writer's name from the enum value and instantiating a new std::string instance for every write. Avoid doing this.
Arne Welzel (14 Jan 25)
logging: Fix HookLogInit() and HookLogWrite() info usage There's two instances of WriterBackend::WriterInfo for a given writer. One in Manager::WriterInfo that's accessible via stream.writers and a copy within WriterFrontend. Commit 78999d147d7a98a064d25854eea38468c1af7c5e switched to use the address of the frontend's info instance for HookLogWrite() invocations, breaking users using the address for identification purposes.
Johanna Amann (08 Jan 25)
Update BiF-tracking, add is_event_handled
Johanna Amann (08 Jan 25)
Address review comments and small updates for DNS warnings This commit addresses review feedback for DH-4155. Furthermore it fixes test failures, and adds a new test for the is_event_handled bif.
Benjamin Bannier (14 Jan 25)
Merge branch 'topic/bbannier/coverity'
Benjamin Bannier (13 Jan 25)
Bump auxil/spicy to latest development snapshot
Benjamin Bannier (13 Jan 25)
Prevent copies in various places
Tim Wojtulewicz (13 Jan 25)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/bbannier/fix-spicy-ssl-includes' * origin/topic/bbannier/fix-spicy-ssl-includes: Fix incomplete includes in Spicy SSL analyer C++ code
Tim Wojtulewicz (13 Jan 25)
Merge branch 'topic/timw/add-security-md' * topic/timw/add-security-md: Add SECURITY.md, pointing at the website
Tim Wojtulewicz (10 Jan 25)
Add SECURITY.md, pointing at the website
Tim Wojtulewicz (13 Jan 25)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/timw/non-routeable-subnets' * origin/topic/timw/non-routeable-subnets: Update zeekctl submodule [nomail]
Tim Wojtulewicz (10 Jan 25)
Update zeekctl submodule [nomail]
Benjamin Bannier (12 Jan 25)
Fix incomplete includes in Spicy SSL analyer C++ code This appears to have been broken by feec451bcee7c459bc9a93e39ae18dc41515ac17.
zeek-bot (12 Jan 25)
Update doc submodule [nomail] [skip ci]
Benjamin Bannier (11 Jan 25)
Merge branch 'topic/bbannier/bump-spicy'
zeek-bot (11 Jan 25)
Update doc submodule [nomail] [skip ci]
Christian Kreibich (10 Jan 25)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topic/etyp/harden-flaky-test' * origin/topic/etyp/harden-flaky-test: Harden flaky test based on creating a file
Benjamin Bannier (09 Jan 25)
Mark `swap` specialization `noexcept`
Benjamin Bannier (09 Jan 25)
Clean up some includes
Benjamin Bannier (09 Jan 25)
Prevent exception in `noexcept` function.
Zeek Website
The Zeek Network Security Monitor
Zeek (formerly Bro) is the world’s leading platform for network security monitoring. Flexible, open source, and powered by defenders.
Does not redirect
Security Checks
All 66 security checks passed
Server Details
- IP Address
- Location San Francisco, California, United States of America, NA
- ISP Automattic Inc
- ASN AS2635
Associated Countries
Saftey Score
Website marked as safe
Blacklist Check
zeek.org was found on 0 blacklists
- ThreatLog
- OpenPhish
- PhishTank
- Phishing.Database
- PhishStats
- URLhaus
- RPiList Not Serious
- AntiSocial Blacklist
- PhishFeed
- NABP Not Recommended Sites
- Spam404
- Artists Against 419
- CERT Polska
- PetScams
- Suspicious Hosting IP
- Phishunt
- CoinBlockerLists
- MetaMask EthPhishing
- EtherScamDB
- EtherAddressLookup
- ViriBack C2 Tracker
- Bambenek Consulting
- Badbitcoin
- SecureReload Phishing List
- Fake Website Buster
- TweetFeed
- CryptoScamDB
- StopGunScams
- ThreatFox
- PhishFort
Website Preview
Zeek Reviews
More Intrusion Detection
OSSEC is an Open Source host-based intrusion detection system, that performs log analysis, integrity checking, monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response.
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
SNARE (System iNtrusion Analysis and Reporting Environment) is a series of log collection agents that facilitate centralized analysis of audit log data. Logs from the OS are collected and audited. Full remote access, through a web interface easy to use manually, or by an automated process.
Not Open Source -
picosnitch helps protect your security and privacy by "snitching" on anything that connects to the internet, letting you know when, how much data was transferred, and to where. It uses BPF to monitor network traffic per application, and per parent to cover those that just call others. It also hashes every executable, and will complain if some mischievous program is giving it trouble.
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Beyond the user-submitted YAML you see above, we also augment each listing with additional data dynamically fetched from several sources. To learn more about where the rest of data included in this page comes from, and how it is computed, see the About the Data section of our About page.
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