
A proxy acts as a gateway between you and the internet, it can be used to act as a firewall or web filter, improves privacy and can also be used to provide shared network connections and cache data to speed up common requests. Never use a free proxy.

Objective of this page

Find the best free, open source, E2E encrypted and private alternative to now.

Compare ShadowSocks vs Privoxy vs

Discover the best Proxies tools for Android, iPhone, Linux, PC and Chrome to download now. And choose secure, self-hosted, peer-to-peer and independant alternatives in 2024

Stop the invasion of privacy from big tech, improve data security stay safe.

Notable Mentions

V2ray-core is a platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions and protect your privacy. See more

Word of Warning

Malicious Proxies are all too common. Always use open source software, host it yourself or pay for a reputable cloud service. Never use a free proxy; it can monitor your connection, steal cookies and contain malware. VPNs are a better option, better still - use the Tor network.

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