Reminiscence self-hosted bookmark and archive manager. Reminiscence is more geared towards archiving useful web pages either for offline viewing or to preserve a copy. It is a web application, that can be installed with Docker on either a local or remote server, although it has a comprehensive and well-documented REST API, there is currently no browser extension.
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Reminiscence Source Code
Self-Hosted Bookmark And Archive Manager
21 Jul 18
Last Updated
04 Oct 24
Latest version
Primary Language
1,560 KB
Language Usage
Star History
Top Contributors
- @kanishka-linux (547)
- @dependabot[bot] (6)
- @s3h10r (2)
- @SuperSandro2000 (1)
Recent Commits
- kanishka-linux (07 Jan 24)
fix user-agent for hlspy
- kanishka-linux (06 Jan 24)
update hlspy commands
- kanishka-linux (06 Jan 24)
- kanishka-linux (06 Jan 24)
update default user-agent
- kanishka-linux (06 Jan 24)
fix hlspy install
- kanishka-linux (06 Jan 24)
update hlspy commands
- kanishka-linux (06 Jan 24)
add pythonpath to docker env
- kanishka-linux (06 Jan 24)
update dockerfile for arm
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
update README
- AAK (02 Jan 24)
Merge pull request #85 from kanishka-linux/dev/v4-docker-fix Modify dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
remove celery dockerfile
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
update docker-compose with worker service
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
update dockerfile for armv7l
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
update Dockerfile
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
add Dockerfile.celery
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
add dockerfile for worker
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
re-arrange docker env
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
update docker setup
- kanishka-linux (02 Jan 24)
remove hlspy from requirements.txt
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
add more qt env vars to hlspy
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
update installation instructions
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
remove dependencies for hlspy
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
add env file for hlspy
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
remove versions from PyQt related dependencies
- AAK (01 Jan 24)
Merge pull request #84 from kanishka-linux/dev/python-3-10-plus Compatibility with python 3.10+ and other dependencies
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
update README
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
add hlspy as dependency
- kanishka-linux (01 Jan 24)
remove wkhtmltopdf and use hlspy for default pdf/png generation
- kanishka-linux (30 Dec 23)
update installation instructions
- kanishka-linux (30 Dec 23)
update django version to 4.2.8
Reminiscence Website
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Saftey Score
Website marked as safe
Blacklist Check was found on 0 blacklists
- ThreatLog
- OpenPhish
- PhishTank
- Phishing.Database
- PhishStats
- URLhaus
- RPiList Not Serious
- AntiSocial Blacklist
- PhishFeed
- NABP Not Recommended Sites
- Spam404
- Artists Against 419
- CERT Polska
- PetScams
- Suspicious Hosting IP
- Phishunt
- CoinBlockerLists
- MetaMask EthPhishing
- EtherScamDB
- EtherAddressLookup
- ViriBack C2 Tracker
- Bambenek Consulting
- Badbitcoin
- SecureReload Phishing List
- Fake Website Buster
- TweetFeed
- CryptoScamDB
- StopGunScams
- ThreatFox
- PhishFort
Website Preview
Reminiscence Reviews
More Browser Sync
Simple and efficient bookmark syncing using either NextCloud Bookmarks, a WebDAV server (local or remote) or just a local folder through LoFloccus. Browser extensions available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
Secure, anonymous and free browser and bookmark syncing. Easy to setup, and no sign up is required, you can either use a community-run sync server, or host your own with their docker image. Extensions are available for Chrome, Firefox, and on Android.
A web application which acts as a todo app for bookmarks. You can either self-host it, or use their managed service which has a free and paid-for tier.
Simple bookmark manager written in Go, intended to be a clone of Pocket, it has both a simple and clean web interface as well as a CLI. Shiori has easy import/ export, is portable and has webpage archiving features.
About the Data: Reminiscence
You can access Reminiscence's data programmatically via our API.
Simply make a GET
request to:
The REST API is free, no-auth and CORS-enabled. To learn more, view the Swagger Docs or read the API Usage Guide.
About the Data
Beyond the user-submitted YAML you see above, we also augment each listing with additional data dynamically fetched from several sources. To learn more about where the rest of data included in this page comes from, and how it is computed, see the About the Data section of our About page.
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