Cryptee Icon

Private & encrypted rich-text documents. Cryptee has encryption and anonymity at its core, it also has a beautiful and minimalistic UI. You can use Cryptee from the browser, or download native apps. Comes with many additional features, such as support for photo albums and file storage. The disadvantage is that only the frontend is open source. Pricing is free for starter plan, $3/ month for 10GB, additional plans go up-to 2TB.

No Security Audit Not Open Source

Cryptee Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Summary

  • You can request access, correction and/or deletion of your data
  • You can retrieve an archive of your data
  • This Service provides a list of Third Parties involved in its operation.
  • User-generated content is encrypted, and this service cannot decrypt it
  • Details are provided about what kind of information they collect
  • You agree not to use the service for illegal purposes
  • This service is only available to users over a certain age
  • This service has a no refund policy with some exceptions
  • You can access most of the pages on the service's website without revealing any personal information
  • The terms for this service are easy to read
  • The service does not index or open files that you upload
  • You are prohibited from attempting to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems
  • You are not being tracked
  • The court of law governing the terms is in location X
  • The service claims to be GDPR compliant for European users
  • Your account can be deleted without prior notice and without a reason
  • Instead of asking directly, this Service will assume your consent merely from your usage.
  • A free help desk is provided
  • Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to you


About the Data

This data is kindly provided by Read full report at: #5047

Cryptee Source Code




Cryptee's web client source code for all platforms.






12 Jun 18

Last Updated

04 Jan 25

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261,921 KB







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Star History

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Top Contributors

Recent Commits

  • John Ozbay (15 Dec 24)

    Tons of bugfixes & optimizations # Tons of bugfixes & optimizations + major photos upload overhaul. removed gifs for videos (and removed gifjs) + uploads are now using offscreencanvas + imageBitmaps instead of tons of canvases. this should reduce memory use by 3x - 5x + Cryptee Docs embedded image optimization now uses the new offscreen canvas pipeline as well + reduced max no uploads to 3 on mobile for performance + fixes an edge case bug where if you resize while docs is still loading this throws some errors + a note to service worker + update to webapp manifest + added sitemap + added more images to press kit + updated press kit titles + should fix an eager loading foot race bug + Should fix CRYPTEE-A0D + updated use case pages + removed old unused functions + added a PDF viewer initialization check that could solve some problems with PDFs not loading right away

  • John Ozbay (12 Dec 24)

    fixes a false-positive template sync error

  • John Ozbay (12 Dec 24)

    Updated landing images & CSS layout

  • John Ozbay (12 Dec 24)

    Tons of RAW Formats, Comments, Bugfixes & More # Additions + Added support for hundreds of RAW formats & manufacturers + Comments (sidebar, toggles, buttons etc) # Changes + Removed UTIF switched to LibRAW + Fixes plan switcher + Adds more promo checks to the app + Fixes RAW formats on landing page + New UI Icons + Adjusted desktop and mobile breaking points to fit comments icon + Quill's inline order. this shouldn't break anything but taking note just in case + Added raw image types to docs icons list # Updates + JSPDF + HTML2Canvas + HTML2PDF + DOMPurify # Fixes + Fixes #224

  • John Ozbay (21 Nov 24)

    hotfix for padding and borders

  • John Ozbay (20 Nov 24)

    Fixes and improvements to photos search

  • John Ozbay (13 Nov 24)

    Bugfixes and a few tiny visual improvements — Should fix search clearing + autofill bugs — Updated landing copy — Fixes uploader issues and brings better progress tracking for both docs and photos — Updated promo banners, copy and checkout flow — added a promo/news clash check for free users

  • John Ozbay (11 Nov 24)

    two layout hotfixes two layout hotfixes

  • John Ozbay (10 Nov 24)

    More bugfixes + fixes aperture & lens parsing for ProRaw + fixes album dates on mobile + better mobile keyboard handling for the left menu + added a 0.5rem pad to the top of editor wrapper on mobile for better doc viewing on some android devices with cutout safe zones Thanks @FormularSumo

  • John Ozbay (04 Nov 24)

    Lots of bugfixes thanks to @FormularSumo & others — improved RAW photo upload handling to support ProRaw photos better — fixes #222 (a manifest error) thanks to @FormularSumo this update also fixes : — help article color/bg color issues. thx @FormularSumo — some download icons — pwa install instructions! — grammar fixes — a viewport offset bug in Android — mobile keyboard toolbar — bunch of android keyboard jumpiness bugs — bunch of accidental keyboard opening bugs on mobile. — msft windows logo

  • John Ozbay (22 Jul 24)

    Lots of new features, changes + bug fixes (see details) # NEW FEATURES + more url protocol handlers & prefixer + raw & fav sort and filtering + indicator for filters + multiple downloader / native sharing + new download size picker + new move modal for photos with thumbs + adds og hand-made pixel art fruit co pear icon + view transitions to home, docs, photos, settings, plans, login + downloader uses cache api (and in memory array as a fallback) # CHANGES / UPDATES + schema + browser icon in download + dom purify version bump + lightbox now follows the filters as well + photo selection logic now uses filters as well + some garbage collection improvements + removed popup download # PROMINENT BUG FIXES + fixes a few downloading bugs + should fix ios share dialog + fixes a favorites loading bug

  • John Ozbay (10 Jul 24)

    hotfix : adding remix woff for fallback

  • John Ozbay (09 Jul 24)

    Some minor updates and critical bugfixes + updated readme + added + added offline docs and key change failsafes + made albums dominance monochrome by default + added border radius to photos gallery (1.125rem) + should fix iOS embed popup bugs + added saving indicator to docs + added masked logos to press kit + added logotypes to press kit + added remixicon v4.3.0 (removed woff, switched to woff2)

  • John Ozbay (07 Jun 24)

    Bugfixes + Fixes CRYPTEE-B2G + fixes the false remote-message message in infobox for new docs thx steffen! + temp workaround for wakelock

  • John Ozbay (29 May 24)

    Templates, Crazy perf benefits & more! + Added Custom User Templates! + Added Cryptee Templates! + Added a special sync function / step for templates + A brand new and shiny new doc popup with templates + Stupid-fast instant new document creation for both regular docs and templated docs + Added new promo banner! + Added a preference to make all new docs online-first. + STUPID FAST doc loading speeds. Esp when changing between two offline docs. + You can now download active doc as UECD + Added a custom meta tag for tables. This will allow us to ship so many cool new features. coming soon. + Added paper margin data to infobox + Added two shorter than ‘single’ line-heights + Changed how we display upgrade prompts for gifted users. (note to curious github readers, this is TBD, we'll talk about this later, it's for future compat) + We now save paper stock of a doc using the same setDocMeta function to save roundtrip traffic time, cuts down doc creation and save time by 1/3rds for paper-layout docs. + both ECD and UECD now carry paper format + font data + Changed font behavior. If user has selection = change selection font only. If user has no selection = change doc font. + We no longer listen to the editor's "text-change" events while "loadingDoc" is true. None of us on the team can think of any scenario where this could break anything. But if we ever experience any weird edge cases, this may be the culprit. + All new docs are offline-first. Fixes #191 + We now use Inter as our default new doc font for users who don't have a new doc font preference. This is an i18n decision to support more languages and locales. i.e. fixes the notorious internally tracked CRYPTEE-B2C error. despite what name might suggest, it has nothing to do with business-to-consumer lol.

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    fixed plaintext export icon

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    we can now download active doc as UECD

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    You can now export unencrypted docs from inside the active doc export panel

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    we now use inter as default font for docs for new users and docs to help with international chars

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    added margins info to paper setup panel

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    added table meta. Adds lots of future possibilities using smart CSS rules

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    improves paper mode sidebar behavior

  • John Ozbay (28 May 24)

    changes font behavior. if selection = change selection font. if no selection, change doc font

  • John Ozbay (17 May 24)

    fixes CRYPTEE-B2C (Itnl Segmenter on older browsers)

  • John Ozbay (13 May 24)

    Lots of new features, changes & hundreds of fixes! # BIG FEATURES & NEWS + Paste got smarter! We now delete bg color, color, size, font, and similar annoying things on paste, but keep bold, italic, links, code etc. You can now paste freely and expect formatting to remain. Like word. Thanks to some server updates and intelligent data center routing: + Docs saves are now up to 6x faster, + Photo uploads are now up to 2x faster, # UPDATES Sentry to v7.114.0 Dexie to v4.0.4, will remove 3.0.3 in fall update, just in case DOMPurify to v3.1.3 # CHANGES Added metrics to api calls Added metrics to helpdesk Added save-doc metric Added time-to-auth metric Added a check for adblockers blocking stripe A little better plan handling for discounted / gifted / bounty rewarded accounts Increased autosave to 2 seconds Updated saving progress bar to match our new save speeds # SERVER & CLIENT CHANGES Docs under 4mb are now uploaded in single chunk using uploadFile vs streamingUploadFile. This means the average doc save now takes 500s vs 3s. Orig photos now use uploadFile if <4mb, all thumbs and lightbox images use uploadFile, and everything else is streaming. this seems to cut down upload times 2x after server improvements # FIXES fixes CRYPTEE-9AW, fixes some home news bugs should fix CRYPTEE-819 Minor error handling fixes for MFA fixes #203 — word count is correct for more languages using browser locale 100s of other small fixes

  • John Ozbay (26 Apr 24)

    Major Improvements & Bug Fixes + 2x memory efficient streamingDecrypt + 2x memory efficient streamingEncrypt + Some renaming to make it harder to confuse things related to streamingDecrypt and streamingEncrypt + better garbage collection during uploads + raw photo upload orientation fixes + critical security update to DOMPurify v3.1.1 (holy damn we're fast, <30min patch time) + removed old firebase polyfill versions

  • John Ozbay (05 Apr 24)

    Fixes to images & checkout # ADDITIONS + added stripe link payments + we now hide eu vat for non eu countries + added beebom reference # FIXES + fixed a bug where safari & firefox doesn’t handle exif orientation when loading image into imageBitmap while resizing. + Updated browser exif detection to use imagebitmap too and all should be fixed now. this was causing images to be stretched or rotated.

  • John Ozbay (08 Mar 24)

    More Bugfixes — we now prevent overshoot in docs thx @brunostasse — fixes a few issues with the google login on installed iOS PWAs. thanks to @brunostasse and @rejhgadellaa for the tips — updated fb auth to v10.8.1 — fixes video uploads for some versions of ios — should fix some canvas size limit bugs for windows + exifs from peculiar camera combos

  • John Ozbay (22 Dec 23)

    Lots of bugfixes # BUGFIXES — fixes extensionFromFilename with something safer and better to cover more edge cases — fixed an autocorrect typo in FAQ thanks to a kind user —fixes extension string match bug — added some padding to ios pwa editor toolbar to make tapping easier — should improve large batches photos uploader performance — updated UTIFjs to 01-01-2024 version — a little better upload memory management overall — added willReadFrequently for more efficient canvas reads — fixes issues where some new cameras use strings and some use ints for exif orientation — Using ImageBitmaps vs decoding non-raw imgs to avoid DOM Errors with images greater than 100mpx ie hasselblad or leica jpgs. thx @elijah-wood — about typo fix. We’re founded in 2017, not 18 — fixes a default font selection bug — making things clearer across the app with some UX copy updates — should fix light/light album name color bug — updated license year — disabled body { user-select none }, and hopefully wont’ need to reenable it (fck apple) — fixes a tips popup bug — added id tags to privacy and terms — some ios / safari additions. oh did we mention ... fck apple # UPDATES — updated no-sleep

  • John Ozbay (07 Oct 23)

    Lots of bugfixes & small updates — fixes some autofill issues for login and key — updated photos albums design + loader — added album cover color pref — small album title size adjustment — fixes a small but irrelevant bug — updated remix icons, will use new icons for video, audio, pdf and checklists etc starting in June 2024! — fixes a pinned sidebar bug for tablets — should fix the dreaded, long hated white-out bug — updated turndown to v7.1.2 — fixes #200 (html / markdown list exports bug) — we now show a little popup about print mode — added a better ipad-sized view for album gallery — fixes swipe opens sidebar bug in focus mode — fixes heading navigation for pdf/print mode — should fix opening active raw images in diff apps and their title (i.e. file.dng is now file.jpg) — RIP catpat, here’s an airship for you

Cryptee Website


Cryptee | Encrypted Secure Photo Storage & Encrypted Documents Editor

Cryptee is an encrypted secure photo storage service, and an encrypted documents editor to write personal docs, notes, journals, store files and more.


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  • Location San Francisco, California, United States of America, NA
  • ISP CloudFlare Inc.
  • ASN AS13335

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Cryptee Reviews

More Digital Notes

  • Standard Notes Icon

    Standard Notes

    S.Notes is a free, open-source, and completely encrypted private notes app. It has a simple UI, yet packs in a lot of features, thanks to the Extensions Store, allowing for: To-Do lists, Spreadsheets, Rich Text, Markdown, Math Editor, Code Editor and many more. You can choose between a number of themes (yay, dark mode!), and it features built-in secure file store, tags/ folders, fast search and more. Standard Notes is actively developed, and fully open-source.

    Security Audited Open Source standardnotes/app
  • Turtle Icon


    A secure, collaborative notebook. Self-host it yourself, or use their hosted plan (free edition or $3/ month for premium).

    Security Audited Open Source turtl/desktop
  • Notable Icon


    An offline markdown-based note editor for desktop, with a simple, yet feature-rich UI. All notes are saved individually as .md files, making them easy to manage. No mobile app, built-in cloud-sync, encryption or web UI. But due to the structure of the files, it is easy to use your own cloud sync provider, and additional features are provided through extensions.

    No Security Audit Open Source notable/notable
  • Joplin Icon


    Cross-platform desktop and mobile note-taking and todo app. Easy organisation into notebooks and sections, revision history and a simple UI. Allows for easy import and export of notes to or from other services. Supports synchronisation with cloud services, implemented with E2EE.

    Security Audited Open Source laurent22/joplin
  • Logseq Icon


    Privacy-first, open-source knowledge base that works on top of local plain-text Markdown and Org-mode files. Supports lots of different note modes, including task management, PDF annotation, flashcards, whiteboards strong markdown support and more. Includes themes and extensions, backed by a strong community

    No Security Audit Open Source logseq/logseq
  • Obsidian Icon


    A powerful knowledge base that works on top of local plain-text Markdown files. It has a strong community, and a lot of plugins and themes. Generally privacy-respecting, but no encryption out of the box, and some of the code is obfuscated or not fully open source

    Security Audited Not Open Source obsidianmd/obsidian-releases
  • AFFiNE Icon


    Privacy first, open-source alternative to Notion, and Miro. It is a knowledge management tool that allows you to create, organize and share your knowledge.

    No Security Audit Open Source toeverything/AFFiNE

About the Data: Cryptee


You can access Cryptee's data programmatically via our API. Simply make a GET request to:

The REST API is free, no-auth and CORS-enabled. To learn more, view the Swagger Docs or read the API Usage Guide.

About the Data

Beyond the user-submitted YAML you see above, we also augment each listing with additional data dynamically fetched from several sources. To learn more about where the rest of data included in this page comes from, and how it is computed, see the About the Data section of our About page.

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