Mobile Apps

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Find the best free, open source, E2E encrypted and private alternative to now.

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Discover the best Mobile Apps tools for Android, iPhone, Linux, PC and Chrome to download now. And choose secure, self-hosted, peer-to-peer and independant alternatives in 2024

Stop the invasion of privacy from big tech, improve data security stay safe.

Notable Mentions

For more open source security & privacy apps, check out these publishers: The Guardian Project (Play Store, F-Droid), The Tor Project (Play Store, F-Droid), Oasis Feng (Play Store), FairCode (Marcel Bokhorst) (Play Store, F-Droid), SECUSO Research Group (Play Store, F-Droid), and Fossify (Play Store, F-Droid) - all of which are trusted developers or organisations, who've done amazing work.

For offensive and defensive security, see The Kali Nethunter Catalogue of apps

For advanced users, the following tools can be used to closely monitor your devise and networks, in order to detect any unusual activity. [PortDroid] for network analysis, [Packet Capture] to monitor network traffic, [SysLog] for viewing system logs, [Dexplorer] to read .dex or .apk files for your installed apps, and [Check and Test] to check status and details of devices hardware.

Word of Warning

Too many installed apps will increase your attack surface - only install applications that you need. Be sure to check the permissions, and what data an app has access to prior to installation. Only install from official sources.

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