uBlock Origin
github.com/gorhill/uBlock BrowserLight-weight, fast browser extension for Firefox and Chromium (Chrome, Edge, Brave Opera etc), that blocks tracking, ads and known malware. uBlock is easy-to-use out-of-the-box, but also has a highly customisable advanced mode, with a point-and-click firewall which can be configured on a per-site basis.
- Homepage: github.com/gorhill/uBlock
- GitHub: github.com/gorhill/uBlock
- Web info: web-check.xyz/results/github.com
uBlock Origin Source Code
uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
01 Apr 15
Last Updated
05 Oct 24
Latest version
Primary Language
145,901 KB
Language Usage
Star History
Top Contributors
- @gorhill (11865)
- @Deathamns (184)
- @chrisaljoudi (100)
- @mjethani (64)
- @AlexVallat (35)
- @ialexsilva (31)
- @tailHey (15)
- @ryanbr (12)
- @jspenguin2017 (10)
- @macabro (9)
- @gwarser (8)
- @Mikey1993 (7)
- @DandelionSprout (6)
- @Baegus (5)
- @anewuser (4)
- @b3rnd (4)
- @WyohKnott (3)
- @xupefei (3)
- @curbengh (3)
- @mikhaelkh (3)
- @rlex (3)
- @JustOff (3)
- @jeeger (3)
- @kzar (3)
- @xPoison (3)
- @emilio (2)
- @anvakl (2)
- @faye925 (2)
- @hotdogman (2)
- @okiehsch (2)
Recent Commits
- Raymond Hill (04 Oct 24)
Make Firefox dev build auto-update
- Raymond Hill (04 Oct 24)
Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock
- Raymond Hill (04 Oct 24)
New revision for dev build
- Raymond Hill (04 Oct 24)
New revision for dev build
- Raymond Hill (04 Oct 24)
Add `trusted-prevent-dom-bypass` scriptlet @description Prevent the bypassing of uBO scriptlets through anonymous embedded context. To ensure that a target method in the embedded context is using the corresponding parent context's method (which is assumed to be properly patched), or to replace the embedded context with that of the parent context. Root issue: https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40202434 @param methodPath The method which calls must be intercepted. The arguments of the intercepted calls are assumed to be HTMLElement, anything else will be ignored. @param selector (optional) A plain CSS selector which will be used in a `document.querySelector()` call, to validate that the returned element must be processed by the scriptlet. If no selector is provided, all elements will be processed. @param targetMethod (optional) The method in the embedded context which should be delegated to the parent context. If no method is specified, the embedded context becomes the parent one, i.e. all properties of the embedded context will be that of the parent context.
- Raymond Hill (04 Oct 24)
Fix spurious error in content script No guarantee vAPI.bootstrap will still be present when callback executes.
- Ilya (Marshal) (04 Oct 24)
Fix AdGuard Knowledge Base URLs
- Raymond Hill (03 Oct 24)
Make Firefox dev build auto-update
- Raymond Hill (03 Oct 24)
New revision for dev build
- Raymond Hill (03 Oct 24)
Update changelog
- Raymond Hill (03 Oct 24)
Imrpove `prevent-xhr` scriptlet; add `trusted-prevent-xhr` scriptlet Add support for synchronous `send()` calls. `trusted-prevent-xhr` is essentially the same as `prevent-xhr` except that if the `directive` argument is not a known token, it will be used as is as the response text of the xhr request, whereas `prevent-xhr` returns an empty string when the directive is unknown.
- Raymond Hill (02 Oct 24)
Update changelog
- Raymond Hill (02 Oct 24)
Make Firefox dev build auto-update
- Raymond Hill (02 Oct 24)
Update changelog
- Raymond Hill (02 Oct 24)
New revision for dev build
- Raymond Hill (02 Oct 24)
Skip dns resolution when requests are proxied through http Related issue: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/discussions/3396 Reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/proxy/ProxyInfo#type_2
- Raymond Hill (02 Oct 24)
Blocking large media elements also prevents autoplay, regardless of size Related issue: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/3394 When the "No large media elements" per-site switch is toggled on, it will also act to prevent autoplay of video/audio media, regardless of their size. This also works for xhr-based media streaming. If blocking by size is not desirable while blocking autoplay is desired, one can toggle on "No large media elements" switch while setting "Block media elements larger than ..." to a very high value.
- Raymond Hill (01 Oct 24)
Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock
- Raymond Hill (30 Sept 24)
Do not discard `!#else` block for unknown preprocessor tokens Related issue: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/3393
- Raymond Hill (29 Sept 24)
Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock
- Raymond Hill (29 Sept 24)
Make Firefox dev build auto-update
- Raymond Hill (29 Sept 24)
Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock
- Raymond Hill (29 Sept 24)
New revision for dev build
- Raymond Hill (29 Sept 24)
Update changelog
- Raymond Hill (29 Sept 24)
Add ability to decode base64 in `urlskip=` Related case: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/25467 New step: `-base64` Purpose: to decode base64-encoded output of previous step
- Raymond Hill (28 Sept 24)
Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock
- Raymond Hill (28 Sept 24)
Import translation work from https://crowdin.com/project/ublock
- Raymond Hill (28 Sept 24)
[mv3] Add a _chat_ icon in popup panel to report filter issues Just the same as with uBO, but for uBOL.
- Raymond Hill (27 Sept 24)
Update README.md
- Raymond Hill (26 Sept 24)
Make Firefox dev build auto-update
uBlock Origin Website
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uBlock Origin Reviews
More Ad Blockers
Incredibly powerful, network-wide ad-blocker. Works out-of-the-box, light-weight with an intuitive web interface, but still allows for a lot of advanced configuration for power users. As well as blocking ads and trackers, Pi-Hole speeds up your network speeds quite significantly. The dashboard has detailed statistics, and makes it easy to pause/ resume Pi-Hole if needed.
A shell script application to manage ad-blocking, Dnsmasq logging, Entware and pixelserv-tls installations and more on supported routers running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware, including its forks.
Native Apple (Swift) apps, for system-wide ad-blocking. Can be customized with custom host lists, primarily aimed for just ad-blocking.
A POSIX-compliant shell script, designed for Unix-like systems, that gets a list of domains that serve ads, tracking scripts and malware from multiple sources and creates a hosts file (alternative formats are also supported) that prevents your system from connecting to them. Aimed at improving security and privacy through blocking advert, tracking and malware associated domains.
Open source mobile ad-blocker that acts like a firewall. Since it's device-wide, once connected all apps will have ads/ trackers blocked, and the blacklist can be edited. The app is free, but there is a premium option, which has a built-in VPN.
Free and open source ad-blocker and a firewall for Android 6+ (no root required).
Python script that uses machine learning to block adverts in live audio streams, such as Radio, Podcasts, Audio Books, and music platforms such as Spotify. See live demo.
About the Data: uBlock Origin
You can access uBlock Origin's data programmatically via our API.
Simply make a GET
request to:
The REST API is free, no-auth and CORS-enabled. To learn more, view the Swagger Docs or read the API Usage Guide.
About the Data
Beyond the user-submitted YAML you see above, we also augment each listing with additional data dynamically fetched from several sources. To learn more about where the rest of data included in this page comes from, and how it is computed, see the About the Data section of our About page.
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